- Jerome - 2005/08/19
Hi Gaku & Eri,
Although I didn't write you for a long time, I didn't forget you. Last July 16/17/18 you took part to Gentei G 20 28 Touring in 山形/宮城県.I was very impressed by photos of 陥没湖 in 蔵王. I saw you when you were sat on your beautiful VTR Camel in the middle of 霧, 濃霧. On Suna's photos I don't see Eri but I recognized Utchie with his ZX 7 R & Osamu with its GTS 1000.
How are you ?. Since I saw every day 気象情報 on NHK 22 H, I saw 激しい大雨, 集中豪雨 & 酷暑 with 異常高温 in Kanto area. Of course I saw 強震 in 宮城/岩手/福島県 : 震度 6 弱. I suppose that you fell 地震 where you live or you worked !!. However I don't remember in which city and ken you live ?. Did you have your 夏休み in July or will you have it in September ?.
If one day I return to Japan, I will go to 沖縄 & 那覇. From Naha, I will take a ferry to go to 宮古島 & its capital 平良. I'd like to discover 先島諸島 & 八重山列島 with 石垣, 西表 与那国. I'd like to stay 1 weekend in Yonaguni, the most remote island of Japan. Did you go one day to 琉球列島 or 沖縄 ?.
- mau - 2005/08/18
- mau - 2005/08/15